
11 Week Senior Thesis Project

When it comes to imaginative play in combination with products that are designing for disability, I wanted to create with freedom in mind.

How might we create a sensory swing that is able to create:

  1. Sense of Wonder

  2. Non-invasive Privacy

  3. Compatibility with multiple bodies

Proof of Concept

One is able to sit inside Blu and use the wings to swaddle yourself within a cocoon. You are not sealed entirely inside for ventilation and emergency exiting on the sides, but can now be encompassed in a lightweight material.

Create a chair that fosters imaginative play through community-based research and development. This period is one in which I wanted to experience knowledge in collaboration through direct experience and oral history.

The Goal

Take time to slow down and learn about textile production, recycling, and natural dyeing to have an entirely soft-good immersive learning experience. A lot of my portfolio in ID is digital technology, so this was an opportunity to learn multiple new crafts and teachings.

Entirely Upcycled.

This project used hand-dyed retired climbing ropes and screen-printed recycled parachute fabric. The main seat is made out of upcycled net found in Western’s fibers lab.

Stylistic Elements

Taking inspiration from oceanic ripples and pattern, I wanted to create an aquatic and organic flow that would be fun and eye-catching, while also incorporating a lot of my stylistic elements.

Ideally this is a cradle of safety, so thinking about how to combine water as a natural camouflage brought forward this idea.

Working with Textiles in Community

I finished my senior year as an arts educator and textile apprentice while also in school. I primarily work with natural dye with my partner for educating youth on how to return to the ways of the past with simple and easy art making. I use it as an outlet for healing and expression, and was excited to combine it with my Industrial Design background as a conclusion to the program.


Graphic Design